Mein Dank gilt allen Mitwirkenden (...) rund um den hervorragend agierenden, kompetenten Leiter dieser Aktion Herrn Falch Wolfgang (Firma SANDY AIR CORP) in Verbindung mit dem Profi Taucherteam, sowie allen anderen beteiligten Organisationen.

Schöne Grüße aus Wien

Markus Vogel
Air Safety Investigator
Bundesanstalt für Verkehr (BAV)
Unfalluntersuchungsstelle, Fachbereich Luftfahrt (UUB/LF)
Federal Office of Transport
Accident Investigation Branch, Department Aviation

(...) as far as what you have to offer, I have spread the good word around other aviation restoration facilities that I know and respect. There are so many idiots in this restoration business it just isn't true, but I have passed your site on to the good ones as it is extremely good.
I may add that one of my Board Members of both Tennessee Air & Space Museum and my other Collection, Bristol Heritage Collection is Robert Mikesh, who was former Senior Curator at the Smithsonians National Air & Space Museum, Washington for 21 years, and he was delighted to hear and read of your web site.

Best wishes
Graham Kilsby
TN Air & Space Museum/
Bristol Heritage Collection


Clients (selection):

Bundesministerium für Inneres, Österreich / Ministry of Internal Affairs of Austria
Federal Office of Transport of Austria - Accident Investigation Branch, Department Aviation
Consultant to Air Fighter Academy, Rangsdorf, Germany
Consultant to Hangar 10, Zirchow, Usedom, Germany
Prof. Dr. Harald Stadler, University of Innsbruck, Austria, Alkuser Lake research project
Brian Kenney, Trojan Aircraft Services Inc., USA, P-47 "Dottie Mae" search and recovery
Chris Goddard, Australien War Memorial, Australia, Me-262 restoration project
Dr. Nick Mueller, D-Day Museum, USA, Bf 109 G-14 "Schlawiener"
Scott Marchand, Director of Collections & Aircraft Restoration,
Pima Air & Space Museum, USA, Fi-156 restoration project
Oleg Leiko, Aircraft Restoration Group Moscow, Russia, Fi-156 and Bf 109 restoration project
Jose Bellaubi, Spain, I-16 restoration project
Oscar Azevedo, USA, Fi-156 restoration project

TV-Documentaries (selection):

The National Geographic Channel "Shot Down: Search for the Lost Fighter"
ORF, Austria "Fruehlingszeit/Flugzeugrestaurator"
Icon Films, UK "Nazigold, Hiltler´s sunken treasure"
Spiegel-TV/ATVplus "Der Tiefe entrissen"
3sat „Spurensuche im nicht mehr ewigen Eis der Gletscher"
Das Erste „Geheimnisse im Eis"